Dec 12, 2009

Telephone Explosion Turns the Big 0-2!!

It's 5:30 am. I've been up for 15 hours and I'm gonna roll into work in about 3 hours. Sleep is for the meek.

Fanfuckingstastic show. As if I couldn't love Telephone Explosion anymore than I already did, they made my Friday December the 11th one to remember, and not just to be forgotten in the haze of inebriated weekend bliss.

Right now, I'm not 100% that I make any sense at all. I'm switching between early 20's blues and the Ramones. Is this a good thing? I almost did bop till i dropped tonight....last night. whatevvver.

get the new Hell Shovel single from the lads over yonder at Telesplosion. someone get me a fucking massage.

Here's some photos. the BLOGTO thing will be up soonish..sometime today?