March was a hard beast of a month, and I was away for half of it at SXSW. April has been insanely busy and fun(ny).

SO here she is! This issue featuring:
SXSW, CMW, RECORD STORE DAY, Actual Water,Quest For Fire, The Beets, Ell V Gore, Little Girls,Thee Oh Sees, METZ, Heavy Cream, Teenanger, Ty Segall, The Greenhornes, Modern Superstitions,White Lung, Black Lips, Bare Wires, Davila 666, Red Mass PLUS MANY MORE!
The cover photo this issue is of Elliott from ELL V GORE. I love that band a whole hell of a lot.
The books will be distributed evenly among my favorite 4 Toronto record stores, and I'll have a few copies to give away at Telephone Explosion's TORONTO THAW shows ( MAY 5,6,7).
As usual, the books are 100% FREE of any monetary requisite, but I do accept coffee from your cafe, drinks from your bar, art from your brain or guestlist to your shows....