Oct 17, 2009

Friday the 16th: Spiral Beach and Cuff the Duke

Heres some photos of Spiral Beach's instore at Sonic Boom last night. Awesome! I saw them a few months ago and wasn't too sure if I liked them or not. The music is wicked, but the chick in the band looked like a weird version of the Horrors. But whatever, they are weird and odd and strange. Dig it.

Side note: I start work at Sonic Boom tomorrow. Gonna be a gong show of fun. What hilarious pranks are the boomers gonna try to pull on me?!


I reviewed Cuff the Duke at the Horseshoe for BlogTO. The review, when up, will be linked to. here's the photos in any case.( 30 minutes later update: HERE's the review..they edit the language in a weird way) Kinda weird, me reviewing that particular show... for reasons best left unsaid. But it was an exercise in audacity.

Ok so Wayne's voice is a little whiney (only sometimes) and they do sound like a " Lil' Blue Rodeo", but whatever, Paul Lowman and Dale Murray are solid. I had a good time. Greg Keelor is brilliant, and he recorded their new album, so why not give it a listen?