Shit- I must apologize. I'm working on this epic headache. Groceries should buy themselves by now. I ended up at Derek's ( Grasshopper, 10000 Watt Head) place with Matt (Crux of Aux, Sailboats Are White) and Tara after ordering last call drinks over the phone and almost being suffocated at Sweaty Betty's. Crusher of a night.
Oh and tonight's the staff anniversary party at work. Live young.
Burning Love was ridiculous last night. Chris Colohan is the most brutal singer in Toronto. I mean Cursed?.. C'mon. Hands down. They did a cover of Nick Cave's version of Jack The Ripper that blew my mind... I'm not being sarcastic or whatever, seriously. Awesome guitar solo where the background vocal dudes are up in there.( sorry, i'm editing this post hours after i wrote it and i'm pretty stoned. haha whatever.) It's gonna be the B side of their new single. 100% Yes.